Friday, 12 September 2014


The “Friday Fashion and Beauty tips edition” is normally not everybody’s favorite edition. But you know I love you too much not to tell you the truth. I have a few fashion truths for you today. Some you may love and some not so much, but it still remains an FV fact. Boo yah!

  • ·        No matter your height status; whether tall or short, a size six or a ten. Cinching your midriff almost always creates a feminine and flattering line.
  •     When rocking a cut out dress, do make sure it’s a decent and elegant cut. A cut out that opens you up to your belly button or at the back, close to where your bottom begins is bad news. You are a proverbs 31 woman; your price is far above rubies. Trust me, you will ooze class.

  • ·       Hold on to a few of your favorite outdated pieces. You never know! Trends are currently recycled. We are all witnesses to that.

  • ·       If your tummy is not as flat as you would want it to be, please skip tucked in blouses, tight fitted tops and shirts. And pretty please; leave the cropped tops alone.

  • ·      Buy a two tone watch that you can wear with either silver or gold jewelry. It creates versatility. I own one and its working for me.

  • ·      When wearing scarves and mufflers, do not tuck the loose ends into the trousers or skirts. That’s just plain wrong.

Stick around for more tips next week. Remember! You are a proverbs 31 woman. Dress like your price is far above rubies. Let us learn to honor God in our looks.

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